2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Analysis
The 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Analysis project aimed to uncover valuable insights into the programming languages, databases, and web frameworks that developers preferred to use in 2019. The project also examined the desired technologies that developers hoped to use in the future, alongside a comprehensive analysis of the respondent demographics.
To achieve these goals, the project involved cleaning and preparing the data by removing duplicate rows, imputing missing data, and normalizing the data. Python and SQL (SQLite3) were used to analyze the data, and Python libraries such as Matplotlib, Seaborn, and Plotly were used to create informative visualizations. Additionally, an IBM Cognos dashboard was developed to provide an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for accessing and interacting with the data.
Overall, the 2019 Stack Overflow Developer Survey Analysis project provided valuable insights into the state of the developer landscape in 2019, highlighting the most popular technologies and the trends that were shaping the industry at the time. By leveraging a range of powerful data analysis tools and techniques, the project was able to transform raw survey data into a rich source of knowledge and insights.
Project information
- Category: Data Wrangling, Data Visualization, Data Analysis
- Source of Data: 2019 Stack Overflow Annual Developer Survey
- Technologies: Python, SQL, IBM Cognos, Folium